Conference papers
Invited papers
- ‘Marching for Retribution: Processions, Music, and Memory in Early Modern France’, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28 November 2024.
- 'Waging War and Making Peace in Early Modern France’, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 20 September 2024.
- Un passé inoubliable: L’héritage des guerres de religion au XVIIe siècle’, Sorbonne Université Paris, 23 January 2023.
- ‘Qui étaient les commissaires? La noblesse protestante comme agent de paix sous l’édit de Nantes’, Université du Mans, 28 November 2022.
- ‘Réparations pour un massacre: La justice transitionnelle pendant les guerres de religion’, Sorbonne Université Paris, 7 October 2022.
- 'Building Peace: Transitional Justice after the French Wars of Religion', University of Tübingen, 9 November 2020.
- 'The Legacy of War: Transitional Justice in Early Modern France', University of Oxford, 28 November 2018.
- 'Enforcing Peace: Transitional Justice in Post-Civil War France', St Andrews, 5 May 2018.
- 'The Sound of Memory: Musical Culture and the Legacy of the Wars of Religion in Early Modern France', Cambridge, 17 March 2018.
- 'La tirelire postale: L'histoire extraordinaire d'une malle de poste du XVIIe siècle', Institut d'Histoire de la Réformation, Université de Genève, 4 December 2017.
- 'Divided by Memory. Remembering the Reformation in Early Modern France', University of Arizona, 14 April 2017.
- 'Guerres de religion, guerres d'archives', Université d'Angers, 30 September 2016.
- Keynote 'Signed, Sealed & Undelivered: Ordinary Lives in an Extraordinary Archive,' University College Dublin, 29 June 2016.
- 'À la recherche des réfugiés perdus: Towards a new history of exile,' Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 23 March 2016..
- Roundtable contribution, 'Defining Exile in Early Modern Europe', Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, 24 October 2015
- 'Divided by Memory: Remembering Violence in Postwar Societies', University of Groningen, 2 September 2015.
- 'Memory in Exile: Writing History in the Huguenot Diaspora', Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 24 April 2015.
- 'Legacies of Conflict: Noble Picture Galleries in Early Modern France', Interdisciplinary Seminar, University of Cambridge, 18 February 2015.
- 'Painting the Divided Past: How to Remember the French Wars of Religion in a Royal Palace', Universität Oldenburg, 13 November 2014.
- 'Enlightenment in Exile? Huguenot Refugees and Religious Toleration in the Dutch Republic', Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, 10 July 2014.
- 'Feeling exclusion in the Huguenot Refuge: Sermons and the History of Religious Emotions', University of Melbourne, 29 May 2014.
- 'Living with Strangers: Huguenot Migrants in the Dutch Republic’, Université de Paris 8, 21 January 2014.
- 'Martyred Memory in the Huguenot Refuge: Jurieu’s Lettres Pastorales', Early Modern Martyrdom Workshop, Oxford University, 2 March 2013.
- 'Mémoire et identité en exil: Élie Benoist et l’écriture de l'Histoire de l’Édit de Nantes', Institut protestant de théologie, Paris, 3 December 2011.
- 'Huguenot Refugee Ministers and Religious Identity in the Dutch Republic, 1680–95', Low Countries Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, London, 22 October 2010.
- 'Transitional Justice during the French Wars of Religion', Sixteenth Century Society conference, Liverpool, Baltimore, 23 October 2023.
- 'Reparations for a Massacre: Transitional Justice in the French Wars of Religion', Society for the Study of French History Conference, Liverpool, 1 July 2023.
- 'Transitional Justice in Early Modern France: Peace Commissioners after the Wars of Religion', Society for the Study of French History Conference, London, 2 July 2021.
- 'A World Destroyed, A World Renewed: Nostalgia after the French Wars of Religion', Conference Nostalgia in the Early Modern World, Christ College, Cambridge, 9 January 2020.
- 'Between Record and History: Abraham Tessereau’s Unpublished Huguenot History', Conference Élie Bouhéreau and the World of the Huguenots, Marsh's Library, Dublin, 16 November 2019.
- 'Of Martyrs and Massacres: The Memory of Religious Violence in Early Modern France', Society for the Study of French History Conference, Leeds, 8 July 2019.
- 'Unholy Territory: French Catholic Expatriates and Religious Conflict in the Dutch Republic', Conference Repenser le Refuge, Leiden University, 26 October 2018.
- 'An Unforgettable Past: Memories and Counter-Memories about the Wars of Religion', keynote paper, Conference Remembering the Wars of Religion, Montpellier, 6 September 2018.
- 'Archival Loss, Religious Conflict, and the Memory of the Wars of Religion in Early Modern Montpellier', RSA annual conference, New Orleans, 24 March 2018.
- 'Conflicting Records: Remembering the Reformation in French Local Archives', Conference Remembering the Reformation, Cambridge, 8 September 2017.
- 'Archival Destruction and the Memory of the Wars of Religion in Early Modern France', Society for the Study of French History Conference, Glasgow, 27 June 2017.
- 'Marching for Faith and Retribution: Processions, Memory, and Religious Conflict in 17th-Century Montpellier,' Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Bruges, 20 August 2016.
- 'Signed, Sealed, and Undelivered: Workshop on Early Modern Letterlocking,' Conference Politics of Paper Groningen, 8 June 2016.
- 'Transnational Memories: Exile Histories about the French Wars of Religion', Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Vancouver, 24 October 2015
- 'Memory networks in the Huguenot diaspora', Sixth International Huguenot Conference, London, 10 September 2015.
- 'Marketing the Enlightenment? Huguenot booksellers in the Dutch Republic', International Congress for Eighteenth-Cerntury Studies, Rotterdam, 29 July 2015.
- 'Transnational Histories in the Huguenot Diaspora', 5th International RefoRC Conference, Leuven, 8 May 2015.
- 'Exile and Memory Early Refugee Histories of the French Wars of Religion', RSA Annual Conference, Berlin, 28 March 2015.
- 'Divided by Memory: Remembering the French Wars of Religion in the Revocation Era', Reformation Studies Colloquium, Cambridge, 11 September 2014.
- 'To Believe, or Not to Believe: Debating Prophecies and Miracles in the Dutch Refuge', Revisiting Early Modern Prophecies, University of London, 26 June 2014.
- 'Painters on the move: Building an artistic career in the Low Countries', conference Art on the Move: Artistic Exchange and Innovation in the Low Countries (1572–1700), Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 10 April 2014.
- 'Images of Plight: Representing Religious Persecution in Early Modern Europe, 1670–1715’', Society for the Study of French History Conference, York, 3 July 2012.
- 'Writing the Huguenot Past: Memory and Identity in Élie Benoist’s Histoire de l’Édit de Nantes', Society for the Study of French History Conference, Cambridge, 15 July 2011.
- 'Herinneren in ballingschap: Het trauma van de Revocatie in Élie Benoist’s Histoire de l'Édit de Nantes', KNHG conference Traumatische ervaringen in de geschiedenis der Nederlanden, The Hague, 27 May 2011.
- 'Preaching identities: The sermons of Jean and Isaac Claude in The Hague', Reformation Studies Colloquium, St. Andrews, 7 September 2010.
- 'The Economy of Exile: The Huguenot community of Rotterdam, 1680–1715', Fifth International Huguenot Conference, Ulster, 3 September 2010.
- 'Preken in ballingschap: de carrière van Jean en Isaac Claude in de Republiek', Conference Werkgroep 17e eeuw, Amsterdam, 28 August 2010.
- 'L'économie de l’exil: les migrants huguenots à Rotterdam, 1680–1715', École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 7 January 2010.